Film Forward: The Student Debt Lightroom
In response to Biden's SAVE Plan's groundbreaking $1.2B in student loan forgiveness, we're launching a bespoke merchandise line for independent filmmakers on our e-commerce platform, themed around celebrating financial freedom and new beginnings in the indie film community.
Each piece, from T-shirts to mugs, will feature inspirational quotes and designs that resonate with indie filmmakers, symbolizing a fresh start and the lifting of the financial burden, thereby empowering them to focus on their creative pursuits free from the shackles of debt.
"Finally, swag that gets the indie hustle and the student debt struggle.
- Inspired Indie Filmmaker"
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Created with theStudent loan forgivenesstrend
idea #1290
1 year agoQuilt Your Debt Away
idea #1289
1 year agoQuilt My Debt Away